Yoga Flow (Mixed Ability)

Vinyasa is a style of yoga where poses are strung together to form one fluid sequence of movement. The classes are often fast-paced and rhythmical, with a focus on connecting the movements with the rhythm of the breath. Vinyasa means to move with the breath. Often called yoga flow, Vinyasa Flow is a style of yoga with focus on transitions and movements, with less time spent in stationary poses. Although Vinyasa is often considered a fast and physically challenging practice, it can also be soft and gentle. Moving with the breath can also mean slowing down your transitions with deep inhales and slow exhalations. No two classes will be the same, and often the sequences are creative and playful.

*note - the last class of the month all classes will be dedicated to a much needed Yin Yoga. Yin is mainly floor based postures encouraging the physical, mental and emotional body to unravel, release and let go!.
It really is quite the Yummy practice it sounds.
Remember to wear loose fitting clothes and bring your blankets and bolsters/cushions for this one.